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🐝 theme-internal-modeswitch

Internal Plugin

This is an internal plugin defined by extjs-theme-material.

Component Plugin providing a button for switching between the light/dark mode of extjs-theme-material. An additional button for toggling between the modes is rendered into the navigation bar of conjoon.

Use this plugin, if you...

  • want to provide a control for the user for switching between the light and dark mode of extjs-theme-material



This plugin is automatically installed with conjoon and enabled by default.


Enabling / Disabling the plugin

The plugin can be enabled by adding an entry with the field pclass set to conjoon.plugin.WorkbenchQuotes in the plugins/components-section:

"plugins": {
"components": [{
"cmp": "cn_navport-tbar",
"pclass": "conjoon.theme.material.plugin.ModeSwitchPlugin",
"event": "beforerender"

To disable the plugin, remove its entry from this section.

Accepted fields

This plugin's configuration is provided with the conjoon.conf.json-file.

Readonly fields - these fields should not be changed


  • Type: String

The component query used to identify the target component for displaying a random quote


  • Type: String

The fqn of the plugin (extending Ext.plugin.Abstract)


  • Type: String

The event notifying observers that the target component is readily available for accepting HTML child nodes.