webmail made easy
Powered by JavaScript
Along with modern tooling powerhouses like NPM, ddev and Docker, conjoon provides a well known ecosystem for users and developers alike.
Minimal Footprint
The client is pure JavaScript and requires only a modern web browser on . REST endpoints can be connected by simply configuring a base url.

Open Source
conjoon is Open Source, providing a solid, tested and extendable foundation for individual messaging and groupware solutions.
Built with

Sencha Ext JS
Sencha Ext JS is a JavaScript framework for building data-intensive, cross-platform web and mobile applications.

coon.js is a toolset for rapid Sencha Ext JS application building, providing the fundament for conjoon's frontend architecture.

l8.js is a small and lightweight JavaScript library and provides wrappers and thin abstraction layers to ease the process of accessing and manipulating data in JavaScript.

Siesta is a JavaScript unit and UI testing tool which can run tests in web pages or in Node.js processes. Siesta has a powerful event recorder & player and a scalable automation package with cloud testing support.

All packages used in and with conjoon are available via NPM, making dependency management and builds easy.
Works with
conjoon comes pre-configured for accessing your email accounts at Google Mail, Microsoft Outlook, AOL, Yahoo, Freenet, GMX, and web.de * without additional setup required.
* conjoon is not affiliated with any of these services. All logos and trademarks are the property of their respective owners.If you'd like to see your service listed here, let us know!